Legendäres Album von Zazou Bikaye CY1 wird als Vinyl wiederveröffentlicht

Am 27.10.2017 wird das Vinyl des legendären Albums Noir et Blanc endlich wieder erhältlich sein – und das in einer von den originalen Analog-Bändern remasterten Deluxe-Version mit neuen Liner Notes und einem Downloadcode für acht Tracks, fünf davon bislang unveröffentlichte Demos sowie drei Original-Remixe aus dem Jahr 1984.

Noir et Blanc wird als Afro-Electro-Meilenstein angesehen und war das Ergebnis einer Zusammenarbeit der experimentellen Komponisten Guillaume Loizillon & Claude Micheli unter ihrem Pseudonym CY1, des kongolesischen Musikers und Sängers Bony Bikaye und des bekannten französischen Komponisten Hector Zazou im Jahr 1983 in Brüssel. Außerdem waren unter anderem dabei: Marc Hollander von Aksak Maboul und Crammed Discs-Labelgründer, Fred Frith, Véronique Vincent und JF Jones Jacob III (beide Honeymoon Killers) und Vincent Kenis, der später als Produzent der Congotronics-Reihe bekannt wurde.

Marc Hollander erzählt in den Liner Notes über die Entstehungsgeschichte des Albums: „Hector Zazou came to Brussels to record this album for Crammed in June ‘83. With him were Congolese singer & musician Bony Bikaye, and Guillaume Loizillon & Claude Micheli, two Frenchmen who immediately proceeded to set up their wall-sized modular analog computers. These beasts dated back to the early ‘70s, and seemed monstrous and antediluvian even then…. Loizillon & Micheli (aka CY1) were strange characters: they seemed to behave and talk somewhat like electricians or garage mechanics, kept plugging and unplugging thick wires, used screwdrivers and pliers, had a very down-to-earth approach, and used their own special vocabulary to describe the incredible sounds they were producing (‘Hey, let’s make the Chinese hat more pointed!’). Zazou acted like a director, selecting the textures, building up the dramatic action. Bikaye built his parts into the grooves and added layers and layers of vocals. He had written some of the song structures, melodies and lyrics while they worked on demos at the Anagramme studio, near Paris. However, as these modular synths weren’t equipped with memory capacity, CY1 had to recreate the sequences, so the starting points for these definitive versions were quite different from those in the demos, and Bikaye beautifully adapted what he had written. Some of the pieces were started from scratch. Several ingredients were added as they went along…. A good deal of structuring took place during the mixdown: there was no automation at the time, so several pairs of hands (in this particular case: Vincent’s, engineer Gilles Martin’s and mine) had to keep hovering over the mixing board, opening and closing tracks, sending instruments into effects, all in real time, dub-style… a very exciting process, which left a lot of room for accidents and unpredictable sonic events.”

Weitere Informationen:

Vinyl Re-Release: Noir et Blanc
VÖ: 27.10.2017
Label: Crammed Discs
Vertriebe: Indigo
Bestellnummer: cram025LP
Format: remasterte LP + DL-Code für Bonustracks + 4c-Booklet mit neuen Liner Notes
UPC: 876623007784
Labelcode: 08689

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